Ensure you are running Linux (kernel 3.8 or later) and have Docker(version 1.10.0 or later) installed.

  • Before: I had docker-compose version: docker-compose version 1.21.2, build a133471 So to upgrade to latest non-RC version, I found this to work in order to upgrade: 1) apt install python-pip to install PIP then pip install docker-compose to install the latest and then to check the version: docker-compose -version which gave me: docker-compose.
  • Solution: I entered to the running docker container from the docker host with the following command: docker exec -t -i -u root mycontaineridorname /bin/bash Now, I entered as root, and issued the following command: usermod -a -G docker jenkins Then, from the docker host, I restarted my running docker container with the following command.
  • Docker - Overview. Docker is a container management service. The keywords of Docker are develop, ship and run anywhere. The whole idea of Docker is for developers to easily develop applications, ship them into containers which can then be deployed anywhere.

Install Weave Net by running the following: sudo curl -L git.io/weave -o /usr/local/bin/weave sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/weave If you are on OSX and you are using Docker Machine ensure that a VM is running and configured before downloading Weave Net.

Install Weave Net by running the following:


If you are on OSX and you are using Docker Machine ensure that a VM is running and configured before downloading Weave Net. To set up a VM see the Docker Machinedocumentation or refer to “Part 1: Launching Weave Net with Docker Machine”.

After your VM is setup with Docker Machine, Weave Net can be launched directly from the OSX host. Weave Net respects the environment variable DOCKER_HOST, so that you can run and control a Weave Network locally on a remote host. See Using The Weave Docker API Proxy.

With Weave Net downloaded onto your VMs or hosts, you are ready to launch a Weave network and deploy apps onto it. See Launching Weave Net.

Quick Start Screencast


Install docker on ec2 centos

Install Docker Ec2 Redhat

Weave Net periodically contacts Weaveworks servers for availableversions. New versionsare announced in the log and in the statussummary.

The information sent in this check is:

  • Host UUID hash
  • Kernel version
  • Docker version
  • Weave Net version
  • Network mode, e.g. ‘awsvpc’

To disable this check, run the following before launching Weave Net:

Guides for Specific Platforms

Amazon ECS users see herefor the latest Weave AMIs.

If you’re on Amazon EC2, the standard installation instructions at thetop of this page, provide the simplest setup and the most flexibility.A special no-overlay mode for EC2 canoptionally be enabled, which allows containers to communicate at thefull speed of the underlying network.

Docker-compose Install Ec2


To make encryption in fast datapath work on Google Cloud Platform, seehere.

See Also