Download and install Docker Desktop Edge version or later. 99138c65ebc7 @ latest ├─ ca-certificates @ 20200601deb10u1 │ └─ openssl @ 1.1.1d-0. Feb 05, 2020 The primary use of a Docker remote API is to connect with the Docker engine remotely. Let's say you are running the docker host on a remote server and you want to connect to it from your laptop. For this scenario, you can use the remote API and connect to it using the REST API's as the docker engine accepts REST requests. Docker-compose version 1.20.1, build 5d8c71b docker-py version: 3.1.4 CPython version: 3.6.4 OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1t 3 May 2016 I execute docker-compose up and have the nodes running (although sometimes for some reason, one or two of them (never all) stop working, I get them to start running again docker-compose start peer2 and I don't. The concept of containerization itself is pretty old. But the emergence of the Docker Engine in 2013 has made it much easier to containerize your applications. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey - 2020, Docker is the #1 most wanted platform, #2 most loved platform, and also the #3.

Estimated reading time: 13 minutes

Looking to speed up your development cycles? Quickly detect and learn how to remediate CVEs in your images by running docker scan IMAGE_NAME. Check out How to scan images for details.

Vulnerability scanning for Docker local images allows developers and development teams to review the security state of the container images and take actions to fix issues identified during the scan, resulting in more secure deployments. Docker Scan runs on Snyk engine, providing users with visibility into the security posture of their local Dockerfiles and local images.

Users trigger vulnerability scans through the CLI, and use the CLI to view the scan results. The scan results contain a list of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), the sources, such as OS packages and libraries, versions in which they were introduced, and a recommended fixed version (if available) to remediate the CVEs discovered.

For information about the system requirements to run vulnerability scanning, see Prerequisites.

This page contains information about the docker scan CLI command. For information about automatically scanning Docker images through Docker Hub, see Hub Vulnerability Scanning.

How to scan images

The docker scan command allows you to scan existing Docker images using the image name or ID. For example, run the following command to scan the hello-world image:

Get a detailed scan report

You can get a detailed scan report about a Docker image by providing the Dockerfile used to create the image. The syntax is docker scan --file PATH_TO_DOCKERFILE DOCKER_IMAGE.

For example, if you apply the option to the docker-scan test image, it displays the following result:

Excluding the base image

When using docker scan with the --file flag, you can also add the --exclude-base tag. This excludes the base image (specified in the Dockerfile using the FROM directive) vulnerabilities from your report. For example:

Viewing the JSON output

You can also display the scan result as a JSON output by adding the --json flag to the command. For example:

In addition to the --json flag, you can also use the --group-issues flag to display a vulnerability only once in the scan report:


You can find all the sources of the vulnerability in the from section.

Checking the dependency tree

To view the dependency tree of your image, use the --dependency-tree flag. This displays all the dependencies before the scan result. For example:

For more information about the vulnerability data, see Docker Vulnerability Scanning CLI Cheat Sheet.

Limiting the level of vulnerabilities displayed

Docker scan allows you to choose the level of vulnerabilities displayed in your scan report using the --severity flag.You can set the severity flag to low, medium, or high depending on the level of vulnerabilities you’d like to see in your report.
For example, if you set the severity level as medium, the scan report displays all vulnerabilities that are classified as medium and high.

Provider authentication

If you have an existing Snyk account, you can directly use your Snyk API token:

If you use the --login flag without any token, you will be redirected to the Snyk website to login.


To run vulnerability scanning on your Docker images, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Download and install Docker Desktop Edge version or later.

  2. Sign into Docker Hub.

  3. From the Docker Desktop menu, select Sign in/ Create Docker ID. Alternatively, open a terminal and run the command docker login.

  4. (Optional) You can create a Snyk account for scans, or use the additional monthly free scans provided by Snyk with your Docker Hub account.

Check your installation by running docker scan --version, it should print the current version of docker scan and the Snyk engine version. For example:


Docker Scan uses the Snyk binary installed in your environment by default. If this is not available, it uses the Snyk binary embedded in Docker Desktop.The minimum version required for Snyk is 1.385.0.

Supported options

The high-level docker scan command scans local images using the image name or the image ID. It supports the following options:

--accept licenseAccept the license agreement of the third-party scanning provider
--dependency-treeDisplay the dependency tree of the image along with scan results
--exclude-baseExclude the base image during scanning. This option requires the --file option to be set
-f, --file stringSpecify the location of the Dockerfile associated with the image. This option displays a detailed scan result
--jsonDisplay the result of the scan in JSON format
--loginLog into Snyk using an optional token (using the flag --token), or by using a web-based token
--reject-licenseReject the license agreement of the third-party scanning provider
--severity stringOnly report vulnerabilities of provided level or higher (low, medium, high)
--token stringUse the authentication token to log into the third-party scanning provider
--versionDisplay the Docker Scan plugin version

Known issues


  • The Vulnerability scanning feature doesn’t work with Alpine distributions.
  • If you are using Debian and OpenSUSE distributions, the login process only works with the --token flag, you won’t be redirected to the Snyk website for authentication.


Thank you for trying out the vulnerability scanning for Docker local images. Your feedback is very important to us. Let us know your feedback by creating an issue in the scan-cli-plugin GitHub repository.

DockerDocker, scan, Snyk, images, local, CVE, vulnerability, security
  • 1Installation
  • 4'WARNING: No {swap,memory} limit support'


The Docker package is in the 'Community' repository. See Alpine_Linux_package_management how to add a repository.

Connecting to the Docker daemon through its socket requires you to add yourself to the `docker` group.

To start the Docker daemon at boot, see Alpine_Linux_Init_System.

Note: On older version of Alpine Linux with older version of docker you'll also need to disable some kernel security flags in order to build images:

For more information, have a look at the corresponding Github issue.

Anyway, this weakening of security is not necessary to do with Alpine 3.4.x and Docker 1.12 as of August 2016 anymore.

Docker Compose

'docker-compose' is in 'Community' repository since Alpine Linux >= 3.10.

For older releases, do:

To install docker-compose, first install pip:

Isolate containers with a user namespace

and add in /etc/docker/daemon.json

You may also consider these options : '

You will find all possible configurations here[1].

Example: How to install docker from Arch

Docker Install Openssl Command

'WARNING: No {swap,memory} limit support'

You may, probably, encounter this message by executing docker info.To correct this situation we have to enable the cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1

Alpine 3.8

Well I'm not sure it wasn't the case before but for sure with Alpine 3.8 you must config cgroups properly

Warning: This seems not to work with Alpine 3.9 and Docker 18.06. Follow the instructions for grub or extlinux below instead.


Well; if you use Grub it is like any other linux and you just have to add the cgroup condition into /etc/default/grub, then upgrade your grub


With Extlinux you also add the cgroup condition but inside /etc/update-extlinux.conf

than update the config and reboot


How to use docker

The best documentation for how to use Docker and create containers is at the main docker site. Adding anything more to it here would be redundant.

if you create an account at you can browse through other user's images and learn from the syntax in contributor's dockerfiles.

Official Docker image files are denoted by a blue ribon on the website.

Docker Install Openssl Centos

See also

Docker Install Openssl Ubuntu

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